Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why do Marathas denied Hinduism?

Why do Marathas denied Hinduism?

Why do Marathas denied Hinduism?

The declaration of Shiv Dharma has caused lot of agitation in the country, particularly Maharashtra. Some theocrats say that Hindu religion is ancient and it was the religion of our ancestors. They want us to stay in Hinduism “after removing the obnoxious traditions and customs”. They say there is no need for a new religion. Religion is a system which makes human life happy and rich in contents. Any way of life that makes a human life happy, peaceful and prosperous can, therefore, be called a religion. Religion is the power that controls the passage of the human life. Religion directs a man in respect of his behaviour with other human beings. It also guides him in the matter of his conduct with relation to his own life.
What is Religion
The religion is a mirror of the thoughts, philosophy, festivals, art, literature, legends, customs, mutual relationship and beliefs of a particular society. It follows, therefore, as a natural corollary that any religion worth its name ought to be conducive to the development and happiness of the society.
There are many religions in the world as well as in India. The pertinent question here is whether our present religion stands true to the above tests of happiness, prosperity and peace. Should we not examine our present religion in this context? Should we not examine whether the religion which we are asked to be proud of is the religion of our making? Is it really the religion of our forefathers, as is alleged by some people? The task of seeking answers to these various questions is being done by the Maratha Seva Sang (MSS).
It is said the “majority religion” of the Indians is Hindu. If we are Hindu, have we been leading a life of peace, happiness and prosperity in the past centuries or now?
In fact, the very word Hindu is of a recent origin. It cannot be found in any “sacred” text of a period before 700 BC. Not only that. The priestly class does not tell us the exact meaning of the word Hindu. Its followers are divided into 6,500 castes and 75,000 subcastes. It is not explained why some of its sections have a feeling of superiority or inferiority against each other. Why different castes marry within the caste and why certain castes are denied entry into the Hindu temples.
The name of the founder of every other religion is known but not that of the Hindu. Why? The sacred book of every religion is open for study to all the followers of that religion but the sacred books like Vedas are not open to castes other than the Brahmin even today. Why? Every religion has an initiation ceremony for the new entrant or a new body e.g. sunnat in Islam, baptism in Christianity and diksha in others. How then upanayan (thread ceremony) is prohibited by the Hindu for the castes other than the Brahmin?
About 5,000 years ago, the Brahmin created a four-class social order. That order is called Chatur Varna. Excepting the Brahmin all other varnas have been insulted by this religion (in writings and practice).Even the Hindu king, Chhatrapati Shivaji, was refused coronation by the Brahmins
Shivaji’s descendant, Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj, was not allowed to chant vedic mantras. The reasonwas they were shudras and hence had no right to worship or be worshipped in vedic tradition. A very recent example is of Pandarinath Patil of Chikhali dt., Buldhana. He was insulted for chanting the mantra, Omkar. Even today, all Sankaracharyas are Brahmin by caste.
The Brahmin position in the Hindu religion is that of a superman. All its temple priests are Brahmin. All the rituals of a man’s life and even of the after-life can be carried out only by the Brahmin. The Brahmin regards himself as a god on the earth Ñ Bhoodevata
They act as a go-between of the god and the human being. He is, therefore, the sole recipient of donations made to god. Even the king must make sumptuous and frequent donations to the Brahmin. The begging Brahmin is called Madhukari while the same done by another person is a despicable act. The king’s power was always used by the Brahmins for their protection and prosperity. Even the present-day democracy (in India) has been converted into a theocracy or Brahminocracy by the Brahmins. That is how the Brahmin has tightened his grip on the political, financial, educational and media powers
In 3250 BC, the Aryans entered India and after a prolonged fight with the natives i.e. Sindhu people, reconciled into a peaceful living. However, very soon they assumed total control of the Indian society through the medium of religion by introducing the varna system. The vanquished Sindhu people (working class) were placed in the shudra varna i.e. the lowest class. This class was robbed of all the human rights like education, property and arms. During this period, the Vedas were produced. The Vedas fortified the Chatur Varna system replacing the original Sindhu religion of the Indian people.
However, this four-class system of exploitation of the Indians was further fortified by inventing the mechanism of the castes and subcaste system. The original glorious and prosperous Sindhu Sanskriti (the only one of C. 7000 BC) was destroyed and converted into the Vedic culture of the Aryans. The devices used were not the wars but far more dangerous like the beliefs of heaven and hell, sin and piety, re-birth, soul, god, moksha (escape from birth and death), customs, rituals, vedic origin, the smritis being seer’s words and various legends of the puranic nonsense.
These contraptions worked so well for the Aryans that the Bahujan Samaj became totally submerged in the Dev, Daiva vad (fatlaism), superstitions, rituals, yagna and daily worship
As a result, he became a mental and physical slave of the Brahmin. He started regarding the culture and religion of the enemy as his own, of his forefathers. Such a state continues even today. The life-style based on caste discrimination is the real basis of the Hinduism of today. It has been laid by the Aryan Brahmins to divide the strong Sindhu people’s society
As the Bahujan Samaj was denied education, property and arms by the cunning Brahmins, they became poor and helpless. They forgot their glorious culture of the Sindhu days. Poverty and non-education degraded the Bahujans so much that they readily accepted the fatalism and sins of the past life theory and also accepted the Brahmin as their saviour, their lord, their patron. The Brahmin propagated a sort of religious terror among the Bahujan and compelled the Bahujans to accept as gospel truth whatever he preached them. The ignorant Bahujan was cheated, looted and booted day in and day out from birth to death and even thereafter, by coercing him to do various penances, rituals and pujas through Brahmins. The Brahmin propagated that he was the bhoodev and any disobedience of his commands would bring god’s wrath on the Bahujan’s family, his entire lineage and also the religion. The Bahujan was gradually pushed into the hell of poverty and ignorance. Yet he regards Hinduism as his own religion and is prepared to lay his life in its defence. What a wonder.
The entire ritual-oriented lifestyle of the Hindu, from birth to death, is controlled by the Brahmin. Days of doing anything important are chosen by referring to the birth chart or the position of the stars, by the Brahmin. No where else in the world the people consult the horoscope. Yet the Westerners reached the moon, the Indians, on the contrary, are only longing for its darshan in the sky. All ceremonies of the Hindus are conducted by the Brahmins charging a fat fee ÑÊbe it a ceremony of putting the child in the cradle or a naming ceremony or a house warming ceremony or a post-death ceremony because the Brahmins assert that it is so dictated by the Hindu religious texts. For getting a child, various yagnas are performed at the cost of sacrificing the animals and at the cost of time and wealth of the Bahujan Samaj. The Brahmin makes sure that no time and money are left with the Bahujan to study, to contemplate and to research any subject
It is proved by scores of thinkers that Hinduism is not the religion of the Bahujans Ñ the original inhabitants of India. The Vedic religion belongs to the Aryan Brahmins. Hinduism, which should correctly be pronounced as Sindhuism, is the name adopted by the Aryans for their Vedic religion to deceive the Indian masses. It has all the tricks in it to cheat the Bahujan who is not even aware of the exploitation that goes on for millennia in its name.
The Maratha Seva Sangh and the Bahujans are, therefore, rejecting Hinduism. Through the Shiva Dharma, the Bahujans of India raised a banner of revolt against Hinduism on the Jan.12, 2005 throughout the country.
What will be the form of the new religion? Its principles? What change it proposes in the life of the Indian masses? What is the source of its inspiration? What will be the way of life of the Shiv Dharma are some questions that are to be answered in this brief article.
Shiv Dharma is not a new religion. Its declaration is in fact a rediscovery of our original Sindhu religion which was badly disfigured by the Brahmins by pasting upon its face many layers of vermilion. Shiv Dharma is nothing but a renaming of the old Sindhu religion and culture that existed in India i.e. the Sindhustan before the advent of the Aryans. The Jan.12 ceremony translates the desire of the entire Bahujan into a reality of regaining their lost Sindhu religion.
Indus Civilization was the most advanced and the forerunner of all world civilizations. That the makers of this civilization were the forefathers of today’s Bahujans has so many proofs. In the Sindhu, the people lived a high standard of material life and in total harmony. The period was the actual golden age of the humanity, not to speak of the Indian people.
If India is to regain that golden age and end the merciless exploitation of the Bahujans, then there is no alternative but to re-establish the Shiv Dharma
We are going to re-establish our original culture with new vigour and new awareness. The manifestation of the original “Sindhu culture” is called Shiv Dharma.
As things stand today, it appears the Brahmins have succeeded in destroying the originality of the Bahujan and transplanting the Vedic religion on our brains. We declare today that we are the masters of this land, we are the original residents of this land. (Not only that. We are also the forefathers of the human kind). In fact, we should have been proud of our ancient heritage, our forefathers, their achievements in this country and abroad but the Hindu religion taught us to be proud of our enemy’s achievements
We are going to throw out the slave’s pride planted in our mind by the Brahmin Dharma. By reviving the Shiv Dharma, we are going to restore the pride of place to our ancient agriculture, restore the pride due to our past heroes, study once again the literature of our thinkers and seek inspiration for nation-building from the Bahujan luminaries.
————————————————————— Freedom is a pre-condition for the development of man. If a man is provided with all the luxuries of life but denied the freedom of thought and action, his life becomes meaningless. In this context the example of Ireland is worth noting. In 1914, the Protestant leader, Edward Karson, was asked by his fellow countryman, Catholic leader Redmond:
Why don’t you give your assent to the unification of Ireland? We can give you whatever concessions you ask for.
Karson retorted:
To hell with your concessions. We simply don’t want your rule over Ireland.
Similarly some people tell us:
There is no need to leave Hinduism. One can live in Hinduism after undertaking reforms that are needed
But the question here is fundamental: Why should one live in a religion which is not of his or his forefather’s making? Why should one live in the religion which has for centuries been enslaving them, denying even humane living, and denying the most primary rights? Why should we follow the culture of our enemies? Our forefathers have done so under duress and ignorance but we are going to kick this religion out and live with self-respect.
We are going to use our brains hereafter. We are not going to be tools in our enemies hands. We are not going to bow before the aliens. In short, Shiv Dharma rejects the alien-led Hinduism and adopts the true religion of our forefathers. That Shiv Dharma is a movement of liberation of the Bahujan religiously, financially and intellectually, has to be understood coolly by the Bahujans
Freedom, equality, brotherhood and justice are the main principles of Shiv Dharma. In this, man is the centre and whatever comes in its way ÑÊBrahminism Ñ has to be eliminated completely. We want a society based on scientific thought, a society which is self-reliant and free in all the matters of life. Shiva Dharma will eliminate all the rituals, customs, superstitions, gods, fatalism and all those instruments of exploitation of the Bahujans by the priestly class. Shiv Dharma will not be dogmatic but open to new thoughts and changes that the future would warrant. Shiv Dharma is for democracy and against dictatorship. Its goal would be equal opportunities to all and equal justices to all. It believes in self-emancipation i.e. non-reliance on any supernatural or external power for the progress and well being of the man
The motive power behind the Shiv Dharma will be our oldest culture i.e. the Sindhu culture. That culture was matriarchal. Just as the woman of that age invented the practice of agriculture, Jijabai prepared her son Shivaji for the overthrowing of the Brahminical order and releasing the Bahujan from their tyranny. It was a result of the grooming by his mother that Shivaji could create a welfare raj for the masses, free from the Brahmin-domination. In her husband’s absence, she managed the Pune jahagir like a well-bred regent. She was an idol of sacrifice, martial courage, statesmanship, ambition, self-respect and ethical behaviour. That is why Shiv Dharma accepts her as a source of inspiration and not as an idol to be worshipped and forgotten. In Shiv Dharma, contrary to Hinduism, woman will not only be given her rightful place in all the departments of the life but also paid reverence, being the mother of the mankind
Under the Shiv Dharma, identity of the Bahujan will be as a Shiv Dharmee alone. No other distinction like caste or varna will be allowed or practiced. In Shiv Dharma, the votaries will be an example of brotherhood and cooperation. The Shiv Dharmee will have his own head on his shoulders and not that of the Brahmin as it happens today in Hinduism. He will be a builder of a new society and a prosperous as well as a strong nation
Shiv Dharma rejects all the rituals and the celebrations of Hinduism. In its place, Shiv Dharma will celebrate the birth days and mourn the deaths of those great men of the Bahujan who practised rational and scientific mode of living. In that category are included Shankasur, Hiranyakshapu, Narkasur, King Bali, Charvak, Gautam Budha, Mahavir, Samrat Ashok, Saint Kabir, Saint Ravidas, Saint Goroba and Saints Namdeo, Basweswar, Sena Maharaj, Narhari, Tukaram, Rashtra Mata Jijau, Shivray, Sambhaji, Jyoti Rao Phule, Savitribai Fule, Fatimabi, Shahu Maharaj, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Gadge Baba, Tukadoji, Anna Bhau Sathe, Dr. Punjabrao Deshmuk and many others from other states. All these great men worked for the upliftment of the Bahujan. The main test of these celebrations/observances will be to avoid all such events that exploit the feelings of the gullible masses and insult our ancestors at our own hands
Without a system of thoughts i.e. philosophy, no society can make a progress, however, primitive that philosophy may be. But that philosophy has to be one for joining the society and has to be elastic so as to accommodate the changing needs. In India, we have Brahminism, gandhism, marxism and bahujanvad.
The first three systems are designed to strengthen the Brahminical order. However, the Bahujanvad has always been of scientific temper and an instrument of uniting the masses. Bahujanvad comprises the teachings of Charvak, Budha, Mahavir, Kabir, Tukaram, Jotiba Fule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Periyar E.V. Ramaswami and a host of others. This stream of thoughts rejects Brahminism or exploitation and welcomes scientific social order. It rejects god, fatalism, ritualism, temples, superstitions, ved, smriti and puranas
There is a natural anxiety about Shiv Dharma in the minds of other religionists. They welcome the Bahujans kicking the buttocks of Brahminism but at the same time wonder why he is not joining their religion. In this matter what is important is to get out of the Brahmin’s slavery and the Bahujan is doing exactly the same by rediscovering his millennia-old Sindhu Dharma i.e. Shiv Dharma. Shiv Dharma will have cordial relations with other religions. It will have amicable relations even with those of our brethren who are still in the Hindu religion. Shiv Dharma will not do any harm to the other religions
The Maratha Bahujan who was acting as an armour of Hinduism will no longer do it henceforth. The people, our brothers, of the other religions have to recognize this fact
Democracy is based upon freedom, fraternity, equality and justice. It is a political system i.e. a system of power sharing. On the contrary, Brahminism is a social order of inequality of castes and varnas
Shiv Dharma proposes to change this social structure and make it compatible with the ethos of democracy. Like democracy, Shiv Dharma also swears by freedom, fraternity, equality and justice. Shiv Dharma aims at a templeless, a casteless and a priestless society of egalitarian members. It will strengthen Indian democracy. It fully abides by the Indian Constitution
In other words, though named as religion Shiv Dharma is a democratic social order. Until such time as the commonest of the common man transcends the idea of god, the word religion has to be used. Brahminism has played havoc with the mind of the Bahujan Samaj over the centuries.
Though Shiv Dharma is against ritualism, a few occasions of life like the birth and the death will have to be exempted from this strict canon. But all the things in this connection will be done by the Shiv Dharmee himself or by another Shiv Dharmee. No discrimination will be practiced by a Shiv Dharmee on the basis of caste, gender, province, language or religion. The Shiv Dharmee will be bound by oath to protect, practice and revere the constitution of the Indian republic
The Shiv Dharmee will declare on oath that he has renounced Hinduism, and that Hinduism is not the religion of his forefathers. He will have to declare that he would not practice magic-remedies, offer anything before any idol or undertake any homa or yagna
Having got rid of the Brahmins, the Bahujan Samaj will be the lord of their land and lives. Shiv Dharma will not be forced upon anybody. Yet excepting the Brahmins, everybody is welcome into the fold of the Shiv Dharma. The management and regulation of the Shiv Dharma will vest in the hands of the parliament of the Shiv Dharmees.
-This is a speech of shiv.Purushottam Khedekar.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Purushottam Khedekar – the man behind Maratha awakening.

By Mushtaque Madni

Pune: “Muslims have no reason to feel guilty. Brahmins have plenty to feel guilty about. It were Brahmins who humiliated, harassed and conspired against Shivaji and finally killed him in the most mysterious manner,” says Purushottam Khedekar, founder of Shiv Dharma and a strong Maratha revolutionary.

During the last twenty five years, Khedekar (62), a civil engineer and a law graduate, has emerged as a potential threat to the Brahminical superiority which was an accepted and established fact even among Marathas. Not only he formed a separate religion (Shiv Dharma), courageously rebelling against the old order of ‘Manu’ but also established a strong organization called ‘Maratha Seva Dal’ to counter Brahmanism in all forms and colours. He went on to challenge their superiority and even questioned their patriotism and, more importantly, exposed their malicious intents and misdeeds against Maratha King Shivaji Raje Bhonsle, popularly known as ‘Shivraya’ in Maharashtra.

It was just few years back that at the time of Shiv Jayanti in Maharashtra, Muslims used to be the most scared lot, for it was taken for granted that howsoever Police stood alert and impartial, riot against Muslims was an integral part of the procession and an inevitable necessity. The fear was so compounded that some Muslims sent their families to their relatives in neighboring cities or states. Afzal Khan and Shaista Khan were identified as the “symbols” of Muslim brutality and Shivaji as the Maratha saviour who fought against the Muslim rulers. This was nothing but a typical Brahmin ploy to mislead Marathas and trick them into fighting Muslims. It was Khedekar and his committed disciples who instilled confidence among Muslims that they have no reason to feel guilty as Muslims constituted nearly 40 percent of Shivaji’s army and that Muslims were the most trusted allies and friends of Shivaji after Marathas. On the contrary, it were Brahmins who were the committed friends of Afzal Khan and deadliest enemies of Shivaji.

Again, it was Khedekar and his Maratha brigade that enlightened Muslims about the enormous support extended at times of crisis by Usman Shaikh and his sister Fatima Bi to Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and his wife Savitri Bai Phule, when they started educational awakening among Marathas, an unheard of thing during those days among non-Brahmins who were not supposed to get educated.

Inspired by the early visionaries of the Bahujan Samaj of the likes of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur and Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar who exposed and fought against the Brahminical tyranny in every sphere of life, Khedekar says “Muslims should confidently come forward to claim their rights on these visionaries, for they were the ones who stood firmly with these towering figures when they were harassed and marginalized by the Brahmins.”

Khedekar is critical of Muslims for not visualizing the great social change that is in the offing and that is going to benefit all including Muslims. “If Jyotiba wrote ‘Brahmananche Kasab’ (How to cut down Brahminism) and Ambedkar publically burnt Manusmiriti that preaches hatred and discrimination even within the Hindu community, it was to unite all Bahujans, irrespective of their religions, including Muslims, against Brahminical tyranny.

One of the most remarkable achievements of Khedekar was that he diagnosed and worked simultaneously on all grounds that were ailing Bahujans. He discovered that every single mischief and atrocity that culminated in attacks on Muslims was actually aimed at Bahujans, for Brahmins wanted to keep youthful Marathas constantly engaged in baseless conflicts and confrontations and consequently away from development and leading a decent life.

Khedekar realized that the only way to uplift Marathas was to instill in them an unwavering urge to get themselves decent education that would make them stand confidently in front of their peers. He worked untirelessly and, like an expert magician, transformed the hearts of Marathas who hated Muslims and made them Muslims’ best friends and well-wishers. He searched and dug deep into the old historical books written by Brahmin historians and found out how maliciously misleading they were. He wrote extensively exposing such diabolic material and toured exhaustively across Maharashtra and brought to limelight the actual facts. It was to his credit that for the first time in the history of Pune, shocking traditional Muslim leadership, massive rallies on the birth anniversaries of Shivaji, Jyotiba Phule and Dr. Ambedkar were organized by Muslims under the guidance and stewardship of P. A. Inamdar, another activist, reformer and visionary of the movement, and proudly proceeded bypassing Brahmin-dominated areas.

Now, interestingly, things have come to such a pass that every year at the time of Shivjayanti, Brahmins do not come out of their houses for fear of being attacked. Recently, following in the footsteps of Dr. Ambedkar, Manusmiriti, the deadliest weapon in Brahmin hands, was burnt in Pune, the Brahmins’ bastion, by highly educated women of Bahujan Samaj in a grand function attended by thousands.

Today, with Khedekar leading from the front and social giants like Justice Kolte Patil, former I.G., S.M.Mushrif, Brigadier Sawant and activists and writers like Shrimant Kokate, Dr. Balaji Jadhav and Praveen Gaikwad, a committed anti-Brahmin Maratha movement has gained massive momentum across Maharashtra. That dawn doesn’t seem too far when the Maratha would make Brahmins accountable for every single deliberate and planned misdeed committed by Brahmins.
The writer is an editor of ‘Usool’ Pune
( Courtesy - Milli Gazzette )